Schedule an appointment: +91-9829013468

Stapler Circumcision – Most Recent & Modern Painless Circumcision Technique

Best Stapler Circumcision in Jaipur - Dr. Rajan Bansal Institute of Urology, Jaipur

Mr. Raghuveer Singh ji had undergone Stapler Circumcision at our hospital recently.

Stapler Circumcision is an innovative technique. It requires only local anaesthesia , gets over in 3-5 minutes. The best part is, this procedure is Painless, there are no stitches required, there is no bleeding and no chance of infection.

Excellent cosmetic appearance as compared to conventional open surgical procedure. Dr. M. Roychowdhury & Dr. Rajan Bansal have successfully performed many stapler circumcisions till date. Please feel free to book an appointment at 0091- 9829013468.


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